Happy New Year from New Mexico

Feliz Ano Nuevo from New Mexico!  This is New Year 2015 and this is a totally new blog.  Please visit the pages listed above including the slide show of all the events and activities of EarthWalks over the years.  Thanks to those who made this site possible as well as those who have been “EarthWalkers” over the years.  Here’s to many more in the years to come.

If you are not a blog subscriber and would like to be, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.  I promise not to overwhelm you but would love to send out a few thoughts and resources from time to time related to multi cultural health and healing principles in the American Southwest and Mexico. If you are interested in creating a special EarthWalks, contact me, Douglas Conwell, at info@earthwalks.org  Thanks for letting others know who might be interested in EarthWalks and related information.

I spent my New Year’s eve at a favorite placs in this part of the planet, Bodhi Manda Zen Center  http://www.bmzc.org/ Although not a Buddhist, I am a meditator and welcome the opportunity Bodhi extends to us all on this special evening as well as throughout the year.  May you have a wonderful 2015 filled with wonder, gratitude and the simple gifts of love and friendship. Here’s a few photos from the event:

Bodhi Justin 2014 IMG_0701 IMG_0695 IMG_0699























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