–“Doug has been organizing trips to the iconic spots in the Southwest for years, and he knows just how to put together a small group of like-minded spirits.”–Sallie Bingham
See these three blog posts written by Sallie about her experience on recent Earth Walks:
Is There a Knife for the Peanut Butter?
–Traveling with Earth Walks is quite extraordinary! I had the wonderful opportunity to join the group for 2 trips (2015 & 2016). As we visited sacred places on the land it was such a treat to learn from Doug’s wisdom and over 30-year relationship with many Native Americans.
–I was blessed to join eleven comrades on an expedition sponsored by the amazing Earth Walks which is dedicated to understanding Native American traditions, as well as offering service to those with whom we meet. I am grateful to have gained an authentic and appropriate understanding of the people who have been here long before us newcomers.
–I really loved the fall 2016 trip to Canyon de Chelly. I was very anxious having just retired from my work and didn’t know how to let go. Earth Walks helped me let things be and really quieted me down. Plus I learned how to camp again after many years. I am so looking forward to future trips…
– Undeniably, my first Earth Walks® experience was substantially more than helpful. It was empowering. The idea of health as defined as ‘well-being’ went beyond medications and doctors. It was enhancing and validating…
– I realized how much I had been given by being on the Earth Walks® and it touched my heart… Now, when I look at the pot I made – which I do constantly – it is a reflection of the perfection of the Universe and my own true spirit. After spending a weekend with a Native American potter…
– This experience gave me a remedy for one of my medical problems, and a sense of family with the other participants…
– My wife and I always try to make it to NM at least once a year. This year we were looking for something different. When we reviewed the online course catalog we came across Earth Walks. Though we didn’t know exactly what we were getting ourselves into, there was enough information to intrigue us. My wife does yoga and meditation, which isn’t exactly my thing. I wanted something that was out of my ‘comfort zone’. Earth Walks was perfect.
– As I reflect back, it is hard to say what part was the best. Doug’s connection to the community, how they welcomed him and, in turn, welcomed us was very meaningful.
– I have been to Northern New Mexico many times, but this time I was able to see and feel the heart of New Mexico. I was shown things I haven’t seen before, and was introduced to people that I wouldn’t have been able to meet without Doug.
– We would recommend Earth Walks for anyone who really wants to see and feel the spirit that is Northern New Mexico.
– In September 2013, I participated in Earth Walks: Spirit of Place at Ghost Ranch. When I registered for the workshop, it was without any concrete expectations of what the experience would be – I just felt that the idea of ‘Spirit of Place’ resonated with me. After my week of journeying with my fellow group members, I left with memories of experiences that will last a lifetime. Our week was packed with diverse activities – creating a sacred space for our meetings, drumming, guided imagery, learning a Navajo dawn ceremony and other Native American spiritual practices and concepts, soaking in the natural hot spring pools at a Zen retreat center in the Jemez Mountains, working side by side with Native American youth on an environmental research project in Valle Caldera forest lands, participating in a sunrise ceremony at the sacred fire of a Tewa Gathering for Mother Earth – all in this amazingly beautiful part of the country. Our small group became family. I left Ghost Ranch with a deep sense of having truly experienced the land, people, and spirit that define Northern New Mexico. My heart was full and my spirit peaceful with the understanding that we in all of Creation are vitally connected.
– Your workshop allowed me to experience some truly transforming experiences that I will forever carry with me. It took a few weeks to sort through all my thoughts and impressions, but now some new ideas have settled into my being.
– The entire time with EarthWalks was enriching and stimulating and I thank Doug for his kindness of spirit and attention to the small details that made it all so special. My mantra all the way down on our hike was ‘to give and receive love from all sources’. Well, I have to say that I was truly amazed at the after results. I shouldn’t be because it so often happens that one only has to ask spirit and it is given. When I returned home, the phone was ringing off the hook, gifts were presented to me, a friend that makes spirit warrior figures that I love brought two over for me to ‘host’ for a while in my home. Clear opportunities were offered to me to be more generous and giving to others. And it is still going on! A major reminder that we are all so loved and treasured and we are all one. Also, after we made our prayer sticks, Marcella, who i adored, sweetly said to me, ‘I prayed for you and your healing the whole time’. The next morning I woke up and every trace of swelling and redness was gone from my hand (bee sting). Just a beautiful reminder: ask for what we need, be open to receive and often from unexpected sources and believe in the power of prayer and goodness.