Happy Autumn 2013!
EarthWalks held a wonderful week’s retreat at Ghost Ranch Center near Abqiuiu, NM this fall. Early morning dawn ceremony, cultural and spiritual teachings with Native American Pueblo elders, full moon observance in the Ghost Ranch labyrinth part of the week. We stayed one night at the Jemez Springs Bodhi Manda Zen Center where Abbess Hosen hosted us for a delicious home cooked meal and equally nutritious meditation practice. The next day we were joined by 30 Jemez Pueblo charter school students for an environmental science project in the nearby national forest. EarthWalks invited two
Pueblo elders to speak with the students about “indigenous science,” or their spiritual traditions relating to the earth.
They offered a prayer for the day in their own language. The day’s activities, led by the Valles Caldera Trust, has jump started what may well become an ongoing science project for students throughout the area. I will be back at Ghost Ranch next fall with EarthWalks–stay tuned for the details! Let me know if you have ideas and suggestions for next year’s EW, whether at the Ranch or elsewhere. info@earthwalks.org