Chaco Canyon Journey September 6-8, 2024

Come join us September 6-8, 2024  to experience the deep stillness and ancient voices of Chaco Canyon.  Two night camping with all meals and guiding services provided (see more about the Earth Walks staff below).  Time on your own in the Canyon as well.

Chaco Canyon, a major center of ancestral Pueblo culture between 850 and 1250, was a focus for ceremonial, trade and political activity.  It is remarkable for its monumental public buildings and distinctive architecture, the most exceptional concentration of pueblos and ancient ruins north of Mexico. Chaco is a great mystery play whose actors are the stars, sun, moon, the land and imagination and spirit of those who have made their way here over millennia. Both solar and lunar cycles were integrated into the architecture and huge building sites were in alignment with each other over many miles. Great straight roads radiated out from the center of the canyon to distant outlying settlements.

Many of the Indigenous people of the Southwest consider Chaco as their ancestral home and approach the canyon with the respect that one has for a wise elder in the family.  I am one of the countless thousands who feel an inexplicable kinship here as well.  Over the more than 30 years of personal visits and leading Earth Walks groups to Chaco, my experiences have been unexpected and surprising, healing and transformational.

Earth Walks support staff, Sharon and Tina Guerrero, have Indigenous historical family roots in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado.

Sharon is a passionate advocate for our natural world as a long-time active member of the Sierra Club and Food and Water Watch. She has been supportive of cultural and social movements in New Mexico for many years working with local, state and federal governments. She is a Curandera and has studied with Michael Harner and Sandra Ingerman with the Institute of Shamanic Studies and sat in ceremony and led ceremony with Native Americans and people from all parts of the world. Having studied with NM Master Gardeners, she is currently coordinating an elementary school garden and teaching outdoor education classes.

Tina  was trained as a Santa Fe Master Gardener and is a member and officer of the the Santa Fe Rose Society.  She joyfully tends the roses in public gardens in Santa Fe and also volunteers in the Salazar School garden, raising fresh produce for local families. Professionally, Tina served as a fundraiser for universities and organizations,  in Santa Fe, NM and across the country, including the National Sierra Club. Most recently, she worked for the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture as staff for the Museum of New Mexico Foundation. She has a degree in journalism, and an early prior background in the news industry.

Come Join Us on the Journey!

Cost:  $535  Includes Earth Walks research, preparation and organization as well as guiding services; camping fees at the Canyon; all meals (lunch Friday through breakfast Sunday). Transportation by carpool.  For more details contact 

HAPPY TRAILS, Doug Conwell