Flute Making and Farming at the Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico
March 30-April 2, 2017
Join us for this special opportunity in creative arts and service learning. We’ll be based at Bodhi Manda Zen Center in Jemez Springs, NM with opportunity for rest, relaxation and participation in meditation practice if you wish. Abbess Jiun Hosen will warmly welcome the group and explain their traditional practices at Bodhi.
Healing hot springs are located at the Center, adjacent to the Jemez River.
Friday, March 31 we will meet with Jemez Pueblo flute maker and player Marlon Magdalena. Marlon says, “I proudly participate in all aspects of Jemez Life; for instance, I speak the Jemez Language, I plant Jemez corn, sing Jemez songs, and dance Jemez Dances. I am proud that I am from a place that still continues our ancient ways of life.”
Marlon has been an artist for much of his life and creates paintings and traditional crafts. He also makes and performs on a wide variety of hand-carved flutes. He will lead us in the making of traditional cane flutes and explain the important meaning of flutes in the life of Pueblo people. (See: http://www.aluaki.com/bio.php )
Saturday, April 1 the group will enjoy a time of service with Jemez Pueblo resident Roger Fragua on his farm, helping prepare the fields for spring crops and learning about traditional values. Roger has said, “Farming with nature (the root of organic farming) lies at the heart of practices used by native farmers in the Southwest for millennia. Traditional farming can teach us a great deal about how to build a resilient and regenerative agriculture.”Sunday, April 2 following breakfast, the group will depart. Participants are welcome to linger longer at Bodhi if they choose.
Cost: $525 Includes dorm style lodging three nights (individual rooms available for additional cost); delicious vegetarian meals Thursday noon through Sunday morning, flute making materials. Transportation: on own or by carpooling.
More information and to register: contact info@earthwalks.org